Cărţile din biblioteca ARAT Timişoara

Autor Titlu An publicare
1 Bader, E., Pearson, P.T. In Quest of the Mythical Mate. A Developmental Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment in Couples Therapy 1988
2 Lapworth, P., Sills, C., Fish, S. Integration in Counselling and Psychotherapy 2001
3 Erskine, R., Moursund, J.P. Integrative Psychotherapy in Action 1998
4 O'Brien, M., Houston, G. Integrative Therapy. A Practitioner's Guide 2000
5 Bradford, A.J., Guberman, R. Transactional Awareness. Now I've got you... in business 1978
6 Racker, H. Transference and Countertransference 1968
7 Childs Gowell, E. Regression and protection 2001
8 Childs Gowell, E. Good grief rituals 1992
9 Steiner, C.M. Scripts People Live 1974
10 Kreisman, J.J., Straus, H. I hate you - don`t leave me 1989
11 Childs Gowell, E. Stages of Ages. Rechilding and Regression 2002
12 Childs Gowell, E. Bodyscript blockbusting 1978
13 Harris, Th. A. I`m OK - You`re OK 1969
14 Harris, Th., Harris, A. Staying OK 1974
15 Childs Gowell, E. Reparenting Schizophrenics. The Cathexis Experience 1979
16 James, M., Jongeward, D. Born to win 1971
17 James, M. It's Never Too Late to Be Happy. Reparenting Yourself for Happiness 2002
18 Haley, J. Uncommon therapy 1986
19 Berne, E. Sex In Human Loving 1970
20 Clarkson, P. Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy 1992
21 Erickson, M.H. My voice will go with you 1982
22 Berne, E. What do you say after you say hello 1972
23 Connell, R.W. Gender 2002
24 Lister-Ford, C. Skills in Transactional Analysis Counselling & Psychotherapy 2002
25 Hargaden, H., Sills, C. Transactional Analysis A Relational Perspective 2002
26 Pennebaker, J.W. Opening up 1990
27 Stewart, I., Joines, V. TA Today 1987
28 Corkille Brigs, D. Celebrate Your Self. Enhancing Your Self-esteem 1977
29 Napper, R., Newton, T. TACTICS. Transactional Analysis Concepts for all Trainers, Teachers and Tutors, plus Insight into Collaborative Learning Strategies 2000
30 Watzlawich, P.,Weakland, J.H., Fisch, R. Change, Principles of problem formation and problem resolution 1974
31 Goulding, M., Goulding, R.L. Changing lives through redecision therapy
32 Johnson, S.M. Character styles 1994
33 Schnarch, D. Passionate Marriage
34 James, M. Perspectives in Transactional Analysis
35 Sills, C., Hargaden, H. Ego States 2003
36 Dryden, W., Feltham, C. Psychotherapy and its discontents 1992
37 Gilbert, M.C., Evans, K. Psychotherapy Supervision. An Integrative Relational Approach to Psychotherapy Supervision 2000
38 Weiss, L., Weiss, J.B. Recovery From Co-Dependecy. It's Never Too Late to Reclaim Your Childhood 1989
39 Hay, J. Reflective Practice and Supervision for Coaches 2007
40 Mitchell, S.A., Aron, L. Relational Psychoanalysis. The Emergence of a Tradition 1999
41 Stewart, I., Joines, V. AT Astazi 2004
42 Erdman, P., Caffery, T. Attachment and Family Systems. Conceptual, Empirical, and Therapeutic Relatedness 2003
43 Stewart, I., Joines, V. Personality adaptation 2002
44 Gartner, R.B. Betrayed as Boys Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men 1999
45 Erskine, R.G., Moursund, J.P., Trautman, R.L. Beyond Empathy. A Therapy of Contract-in-Relationship 1999
46 Berne, E. Beyond Games and Scripts
47 James, M. Breaking Free
48 Berne, E. Ce spui dupa 'Buna ziua'? 2006
49 Johnson, S.M. Characterological Transformation. The Hard Work Miracle 1985
50 Yalom, I.D. The Yalom Reader. Selections from the Work of a Master Therapist and Storyteller 1998
51 Yalom, I.D., Leszcz, M. The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy
52 Erskine, R. Theories and Methods of an Integrative Transactional Analysis 1997
53 Sutton LEA Project Living & Learning with Teenagers
54 Wagner, A. The Transactional Manager. How to Solve People Problems with Transactional Analysis 1981
55 Drost, J., Bayley, S. Therapeutic Groupwork with Children 2001
56 Giles Barrow, Emma Bradshaw and Trudi Newton Improving Behaviour and Raising Self esteem in the Classroom 2001
57 Yalom, I.D. Love's Executioner. And Other Tales of Psychotherapy 1989
58 Kaplan, K.J. TILT: Teaching Individuals to Live Together 1998
59 Barrow, G., Bradshaw, E., Newton, T. Improving Behaviour and Raising Self-Esteem in the Classroom 2001
60 On Death and Dying 1969
61 Tudor, K. The Adult is Parent to the Child - TA with Children and Young People 2008
62 Clarkson, P. Gestalt Counselling in Action 2004
63 Rothschild, B. The Body Remembers. Casebook: Unifying Methods and Models in the Treatment of Trauma and PTSD 2003
64 Mann, D. Erotic Transference and Countertransference - Clinical practice in psychotherapy 1999
65 Worden, J.W. Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy. A Handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner 1991
66 Rothschild, B. The Body Remembers. The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment 2000
67 Goulding,M., Goulding B. A Time to Say Good-bye 1996
68 Jongeward, D. Everybody Wins. Transactional Analysis Applied to Organizations
69 Kirschenbaum, H., Land Henderson, V. The Carl Rogers Reader 1989
70 Rogers, C.R. A Way of Being 1980
71 Minichin, S. Families & Family Therapy 1974
72 Miller, A. The Drama of Being a Child. The Search for the True Self 1983
73 Barnes, G. Transactional Analysis after Eric Berne 1977
74 Weiss, L. An Action Plan for Your Inner Child. Parenting Each Other 1991
75 Sills, C. Contracts in Counselling and Psychotherapy 2006
76 Horewitz, J.S. Family Therapy and Transactional Analysis
77 Yalom, I.D. The Gift of Therapy. An Open Letter to a New Generation of Psychotherapists and Their Patients 2002
78 Tudor, K. Transactional Analysis Approaches to Brief Therapy - or What do you say between saying hello and goodbye? 2002
79 Evans, K.R., Gilbert, M.C. An Introduction to Integrative Psychotherapy 2005
80 Levin, P. Cycles of Power. A user's guide to the seven seasons of life 1988
81 Cornell, W.F., Hargaden, H. From Transactions to Relations. The Emergence of a Relational Tradition in Transactional Analysis
82 Clarke, J.I., Dawson C. Growing up again 1998
83 Kalsched, D. The Inner World of Trauma. Archetypal Defenses of the Personal Spirit 1996
84 Stewart, I. Transactional Analysis Counselling in Action 2000
85 Tilney, T. Dictionary of Transactional Analysis 1998
86 Berne, E. Games People Play 1964
87 Drego, P. Happy Family. Parenting through Family Rituals 2004
88 Stern, D.N. The Interpersonal World of the Infant. A view from psychoanalysis and developmental psychology 1985
89 Hay, J. Transactional Analysis for Trainers 1996
90 Barrow, G., Bradshaw, E. Walking the Talk. How transactional Analysis is improving behaviour and raising self-esteem 2004
91 Leben, N.Y. Directive Group Play Therapy. 60 Structured Games for the Treatment of ADHD, Low Self-Esteem and Traumatized Children 1999
92 Sunderland, M. Helping Children with Low Self-Esteem 2003
93 Freed, A., Freed, M. The New TA for Kids 1973
94 Berne, E. The structure and dynamics of organisations and groups 1963
95 Barrow, G. The TA Toolkit - a scheme for Teaching Transactional Analysis at KS2-3 2005
96 Sunderland, M., Engleheart, P. Draw On Your Emotions. Creative Ways to Explore, Express & Understand Important Feelings 1993
97 Johnson, S.M. Humanizing the Narcissistic Style
98 James, M. The OK Boss 1975
99 Woollams, S., Brown, M. Trasactional Analysis 1978
100 Kaplan L. Oneness and Separatedness
101 Maroda, K.J. The Power of Countertransference 2004
102 Kaplan, K.J., Schwartz, N.B. A psychology of hope 1993
103 Gottman John The Relationship Cure
104 Stern, D.N. The Present Moment in Psychotherapy and Everyday Life 2004
105 Siegel, D. & Hartzell M. Parenting from the inside out
106 Holmes, J. The Search for the Secure Base. Attachment Theory and Psychotherapy 2001
107 Hendrix, H. & Hunt, H. Giving the love that heals
108 Wade Luquet Short term couples therapy
109 Jongeward, D. & James, M. Winning with people
110 Gottman, J. & DeClaire J. Raising an emotionally inteligent child
111 Hendrix H., LaKelly Hunt H. Imago Relationship Therapy
112 Hendricks, G., Hendricks K. Conscious Loving
113 Hendrix H. Getting the love you want
114 Hendrix H., LaKelly Hunt H. Receiving love
115 Siegel D. The developing mind
116 Preston J. Integrative treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder
117 Mahler, M., Pine F., Bergman A. The psychological birth of the human infant
118 Bradshaw J. Bradshaw on: The Family
119 Bader, E., Pearson P., Schwartz, J. Tell Me No Lies 2000
120 Masterson, J.F. , Lieberman, A.R. A Therapist's guide to the personality disorder: The Masterson approach 2004
121 Peel, Esther Mating in captivity 2007
122 Kahler, Taibi The Mastery of Management 2006
123 Kahler, Taibi The Process Therapy Model 2007
124 Gottlieb, M. The Angry Self - a comprehensive approach to Anger Management 1999