Autor |
Titlu |
An publicare |
1 |
Bader, E., Pearson, P.T. |
In Quest of the Mythical Mate. A Developmental Approach to Diagnosis
and Treatment in Couples Therapy |
1988 |
2 |
Lapworth, P., Sills, C., Fish, S. |
Integration in Counselling and Psychotherapy |
2001 |
3 |
Erskine, R., Moursund, J.P. |
Integrative Psychotherapy in Action |
1998 |
4 |
O'Brien, M., Houston, G. |
Integrative Therapy. A Practitioner's Guide |
2000 |
5 |
Bradford, A.J., Guberman, R. |
Transactional Awareness. Now I've got you... in business |
1978 |
6 |
Racker, H. |
Transference and Countertransference |
1968 |
7 |
Childs Gowell, E. |
Regression and protection |
2001 |
8 |
Childs Gowell, E. |
Good grief rituals |
1992 |
9 |
Steiner, C.M. |
Scripts People Live |
1974 |
10 |
Kreisman, J.J., Straus, H. |
I hate you - don`t leave me |
1989 |
11 |
Childs Gowell, E. |
Stages of Ages. Rechilding and Regression |
2002 |
12 |
Childs Gowell, E. |
Bodyscript blockbusting |
1978 |
13 |
Harris, Th. A. |
I`m OK - You`re OK |
1969 |
14 |
Harris, Th., Harris, A. |
Staying OK |
1974 |
15 |
Childs Gowell, E. |
Reparenting Schizophrenics. The Cathexis Experience |
1979 |
16 |
James, M., Jongeward, D. |
Born to win |
1971 |
17 |
James, M. |
It's Never Too Late to Be Happy. Reparenting Yourself for Happiness |
2002 |
18 |
Haley, J. |
Uncommon therapy |
1986 |
19 |
Berne, E. |
Sex In Human Loving |
1970 |
20 |
Clarkson, P. |
Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy |
1992 |
21 |
Erickson, M.H. |
My voice will go with you |
1982 |
22 |
Berne, E. |
What do you say after you say hello |
1972 |
23 |
Connell, R.W. |
Gender |
2002 |
24 |
Lister-Ford, C. |
Skills in Transactional Analysis Counselling & Psychotherapy |
2002 |
25 |
Hargaden, H., Sills, C. |
Transactional Analysis A Relational Perspective |
2002 |
26 |
Pennebaker, J.W. |
Opening up |
1990 |
27 |
Stewart, I., Joines, V. |
TA Today |
1987 |
28 |
Corkille Brigs, D. |
Celebrate Your Self. Enhancing Your Self-esteem |
1977 |
29 |
Napper, R., Newton, T. |
TACTICS. Transactional Analysis Concepts for all Trainers, Teachers
and Tutors, plus Insight into Collaborative Learning Strategies |
2000 |
30 |
Watzlawich, P.,Weakland, J.H., Fisch, R. |
Change, Principles of problem formation and problem resolution |
1974 |
31 |
Goulding, M., Goulding, R.L. |
Changing lives through redecision therapy |
32 |
Johnson, S.M. |
Character styles |
1994 |
33 |
Schnarch, D. |
Passionate Marriage |
34 |
James, M. |
Perspectives in Transactional Analysis |
35 |
Sills, C., Hargaden, H. |
Ego States |
2003 |
36 |
Dryden, W., Feltham, C. |
Psychotherapy and its discontents |
1992 |
37 |
Gilbert, M.C., Evans, K. |
Psychotherapy Supervision. An Integrative Relational Approach to
Psychotherapy Supervision |
2000 |
38 |
Weiss, L., Weiss, J.B. |
Recovery From Co-Dependecy. It's Never Too Late to Reclaim Your
Childhood |
1989 |
39 |
Hay, J. |
Reflective Practice and Supervision for Coaches |
2007 |
40 |
Mitchell, S.A., Aron, L. |
Relational Psychoanalysis. The Emergence of a Tradition |
1999 |
41 |
Stewart, I., Joines, V. |
AT Astazi |
2004 |
42 |
Erdman, P., Caffery, T. |
Attachment and Family Systems. Conceptual, Empirical, and Therapeutic Relatedness |
2003 |
43 |
Stewart, I., Joines, V. |
Personality adaptation |
2002 |
44 |
Gartner, R.B. |
Betrayed as Boys Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men |
1999 |
45 |
Erskine, R.G., Moursund, J.P., Trautman, R.L. |
Beyond Empathy. A Therapy of Contract-in-Relationship |
1999 |
46 |
Berne, E. |
Beyond Games and Scripts |
47 |
James, M. |
Breaking Free |
48 |
Berne, E. |
Ce spui dupa 'Buna ziua'? |
2006 |
49 |
Johnson, S.M. |
Characterological Transformation. The Hard Work Miracle |
1985 |
50 |
Yalom, I.D. |
The Yalom Reader. Selections from the Work of a Master
Therapist and Storyteller |
1998 |
51 |
Yalom, I.D., Leszcz, M. |
The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy |
52 |
Erskine, R. |
Theories and Methods of an Integrative Transactional Analysis |
1997 |
53 |
Sutton LEA Project |
Living & Learning with Teenagers |
54 |
Wagner, A. |
The Transactional Manager. How to Solve People Problems with
Transactional Analysis |
1981 |
55 |
Drost, J., Bayley, S. |
Therapeutic Groupwork with Children |
2001 |
56 |
Giles Barrow, Emma Bradshaw and Trudi Newton |
Improving Behaviour and Raising Self esteem in the Classroom |
2001 |
57 |
Yalom, I.D. |
Love's Executioner. And Other Tales of Psychotherapy |
1989 |
58 |
Kaplan, K.J. |
TILT: Teaching Individuals to Live Together |
1998 |
59 |
Barrow, G., Bradshaw, E., Newton, T. |
Improving Behaviour and Raising Self-Esteem in the Classroom |
2001 |
60 |
On Death and Dying |
1969 |
61 |
Tudor, K. |
The Adult is Parent to the Child - TA with Children and Young People |
2008 |
62 |
Clarkson, P. |
Gestalt Counselling in Action |
2004 |
63 |
Rothschild, B. |
The Body Remembers. Casebook: Unifying Methods and Models in the
Treatment of Trauma and PTSD |
2003 |
64 |
Mann, D. |
Erotic Transference and Countertransference - Clinical practice in psychotherapy |
1999 |
65 |
Worden, J.W. |
Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy. A Handbook for the Mental Health
Practitioner |
1991 |
66 |
Rothschild, B. |
The Body Remembers. The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma
Treatment |
2000 |
67 |
Goulding,M., Goulding B. |
A Time to Say Good-bye |
1996 |
68 |
Jongeward, D. |
Everybody Wins. Transactional Analysis Applied to Organizations |
69 |
Kirschenbaum, H., Land Henderson, V. |
The Carl Rogers Reader |
1989 |
70 |
Rogers, C.R. |
A Way of Being |
1980 |
71 |
Minichin, S. |
Families & Family Therapy |
1974 |
72 |
Miller, A. |
The Drama of Being a Child. The Search for the True Self |
1983 |
73 |
Barnes, G. |
Transactional Analysis after Eric Berne |
1977 |
74 |
Weiss, L. |
An Action Plan for Your Inner Child. Parenting Each Other |
1991 |
75 |
Sills, C. |
Contracts in Counselling and Psychotherapy |
2006 |
76 |
Horewitz, J.S. |
Family Therapy and Transactional Analysis |
77 |
Yalom, I.D. |
The Gift of Therapy. An Open Letter to a New Generation of Psychotherapists and Their Patients |
2002 |
78 |
Tudor, K. |
Transactional Analysis Approaches to Brief Therapy - or What do you say between saying hello and goodbye? |
2002 |
79 |
Evans, K.R., Gilbert, M.C. |
An Introduction to Integrative Psychotherapy |
2005 |
80 |
Levin, P. |
Cycles of Power. A user's guide to the seven seasons of life |
1988 |
81 |
Cornell, W.F., Hargaden, H. |
From Transactions to Relations. The Emergence of a Relational Tradition
in Transactional Analysis |
82 |
Clarke, J.I., Dawson C. |
Growing up again |
1998 |
83 |
Kalsched, D. |
The Inner World of Trauma. Archetypal Defenses of the Personal Spirit |
1996 |
84 |
Stewart, I. |
Transactional Analysis Counselling in Action |
2000 |
85 |
Tilney, T. |
Dictionary of Transactional Analysis |
1998 |
86 |
Berne, E. |
Games People Play |
1964 |
87 |
Drego, P. |
Happy Family. Parenting through Family Rituals |
2004 |
88 |
Stern, D.N. |
The Interpersonal World of the Infant. A view from psychoanalysis
and developmental psychology |
1985 |
89 |
Hay, J. |
Transactional Analysis for Trainers |
1996 |
90 |
Barrow, G., Bradshaw, E. |
Walking the Talk. How transactional Analysis is improving behaviour and raising self-esteem |
2004 |
91 |
Leben, N.Y. |
Directive Group Play Therapy. 60 Structured Games for the Treatment of ADHD, Low Self-Esteem and Traumatized Children |
1999 |
92 |
Sunderland, M. |
Helping Children with Low Self-Esteem |
2003 |
93 |
Freed, A., Freed, M. |
The New TA for Kids |
1973 |
94 |
Berne, E. |
The structure and dynamics of organisations and groups |
1963 |
95 |
Barrow, G. |
The TA Toolkit - a scheme for Teaching Transactional Analysis at KS2-3 |
2005 |
96 |
Sunderland, M., Engleheart, P. |
Draw On Your Emotions. Creative Ways to Explore, Express & Understand Important Feelings |
1993 |
97 |
Johnson, S.M. |
Humanizing the Narcissistic Style |
98 |
James, M. |
The OK Boss |
1975 |
99 |
Woollams, S., Brown, M. |
Trasactional Analysis |
1978 |
100 |
Kaplan L. |
Oneness and Separatedness |
101 |
Maroda, K.J. |
The Power of Countertransference |
2004 |
102 |
Kaplan, K.J., Schwartz, N.B. |
A psychology of hope |
1993 |
103 |
Gottman John |
The Relationship Cure |
104 |
Stern, D.N. |
The Present Moment in Psychotherapy and Everyday Life |
2004 |
105 |
Siegel, D. & Hartzell M. |
Parenting from the inside out |
106 |
Holmes, J. |
The Search for the Secure Base. Attachment Theory and Psychotherapy |
2001 |
107 |
Hendrix, H. & Hunt, H. |
Giving the love that heals |
108 |
Wade Luquet |
Short term couples therapy |
109 |
Jongeward, D. & James, M. |
Winning with people |
110 |
Gottman, J. & DeClaire J. |
Raising an emotionally inteligent child |
111 |
Hendrix H., LaKelly Hunt H. |
Imago Relationship Therapy |
112 |
Hendricks, G., Hendricks K. |
Conscious Loving |
113 |
Hendrix H. |
Getting the love you want |
114 |
Hendrix H., LaKelly Hunt H. |
Receiving love |
115 |
Siegel D. |
The developing mind |
116 |
Preston J. |
Integrative treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder |
117 |
Mahler, M., Pine F., Bergman A. |
The psychological birth of the human infant |
118 |
Bradshaw J. |
Bradshaw on: The Family |
119 |
Bader, E., Pearson P., Schwartz, J. |
Tell Me No Lies |
2000 |
120 |
Masterson, J.F. , Lieberman, A.R. |
A Therapist's guide to the personality disorder: The Masterson approach |
2004 |
121 |
Peel, Esther |
Mating in captivity |
2007 |
122 |
Kahler, Taibi |
The Mastery of Management |
2006 |
123 |
Kahler, Taibi |
The Process Therapy Model |
2007 |
124 |
Gottlieb, M. |
The Angry Self - a comprehensive approach to Anger Management |
1999 |