Cărţile din biblioteca ARAT Bucureşti

Autor Titlu
1 Abrams, Jeremiah Reclaiming the Inner Child
2 Babcock, Dorothy E., Keepers, Terry Raising Kids OK
3 Bader, Ellen, Pearson, Peter T In Quest Of The Mythical Mate
4 Barnes, Graham Justice, Love and Wisdom. Linking Psychotherapy to Second Order Cybernetics
5 Barnes, Graham TA after Eric Berne. Teaching and Practice of Three TA Schools
6 Barrow, Giles, Bradshaw, Emma, Newton, Trudi Improving Behaviour and Raising Self-Esteem in the Classroom
7 Berne, Eric Beyond Games and Scripts
8 Berne, Eric Sex in Human Loving
9 Berne, Eric The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Groups
10 Berne, Eric What Do You Say After You Say Hello?
11 Bradshaw, John Bradshaw on: The Family - A New Way of Creating Solid Self-Esteem
12 Briggs, Dorothy Corkille Celebrate Your Self: Enhancing Your Self-Esteem
13 Brown, Stephanie Treating Adult Children of Alcoholics
14 Capaccjione, Lucia Recovery of Your Inner Child
15 Childs-Gowell, Elaine Reparenting Schizophrenics: The Cathexis Experience
16 Clarke, Jean Illsley, Dawson, Connie Growing Up Again - Parenting Ourselves, Parenting our Children
17 Clarkson, Petruska Gestalt Counselling in Action
18 Clarkson, Petruska TA Psychotherapy. An integrated approach
19 Drost, Joost, Bayley, Sydney Therapeutic Groupwork with Children
20 Dryden,Windy, Feltham, Colin Psychotherapy and its discontents
21 Erdman, Phyllis, Caffery, Tom Attachements and Family Systems
22 Erikson, Erik Identity, Youth and Crisis
23 Erskine, R.G., Moursund, J.P., Trautmann, R.L. Beyond Empathy. A Therapy of Contact-in-Relationship
24 Evans, Kenneth, Gilbert, Maria C. An Introduction to Integrative Psychotherapy
25 Gartner, Richard B. Betrayed As Boys. Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexuallt Abused Men
26 Gilbert, Maria C., Evans, Kenneth Psychotherapy Supervision
27 Gottlieb, Miriam M. The Angry Self. A Comprehensive Approach to Anger Management
28 Goulding, Mary&Robert Changing lives through redecision therapy
29 Goulding, Robert L, Goulding, Mary McClure The Power is in the Patient: A TA/Gestalt Approach to Psychotherapy
30 Haley, Jay Uncommon Therapy: The Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H. Erickso
31 Harris, Thomas A. I''m Ok - You''re Ok. A practical guide to TA
32 Harris, Thomas A., Harris, Amy Staying OK
33 Hay, Julie Reflective Practice and Supervision for Coaches
34 Hay, Julie TA for Trainers
35 Hendrix, Harville Getting the Love you Want. A guide for Couples
36 Hendrix, Harville, Hunt, Helen LaKelly Imago Relationship Therapy. Perspectives on Theory
37 Holmes, Jeremy In Search for the Secure Base. Attachement Theory and Psychotherapy
38 James, Muriel Prespectives in TA
39 James, Muriel The OK Boss
40 Jenner, Sue The Parent/Baby Game
41 Jongeward, Dorothy Everybody Wins: TA Applied to Organizations
42 Jongeward, Dorothy TA on The Job
43 Kaplan, Kalman J. TILT: Teaching Individuals to Live Together
44 Kaplan, Kalman J., Schwarts, Matthew B. A Psychology of Hope: An Antidote to the Suicidal Pathology of Western Civilization
45 Kirschenbaum, Howard The Carl Rogers Reader
46 Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth On Death and Dying
47 Lapworth, Phil, Sills, Charlotte, Fish, Sue Integration in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Developing a personal approach
48 Lister-Ford, Christine Transactional Analysis Counselling & Psychotherapy
49 Luthman, Shirley Gehrke, Kirschenbaum, M. The Dynamic Family
50 Mann, David Erotic Transference and Countertransference. Clinical practice in psychotherapy
51 Maroda, Karen J. The Power of Counter-transference. Innovations in Analytic Technique
52 Masterson, James F. A Therapist''s Guide to Personality Disorders: The Masterson Approach
53 Mellor, Ken, Mellor, Elisabeth Parentcraft. A practical guide to raising children
54 Mellor, Ken, Mellor, Elisabeth Teen Stages. How to guide the journey to adulthood
55 Mitchell, Stephen A. Relationality - From Attachment to Intersubjectivity
56 Mitchell, Stephen, Aron, Lewis Relational Psychoanalysis. The Emergence of a Tradition
57 Moiso, Carlo, Novellino, Michelle Retour aux Sources. Analyse Transactionnelle
58 Napper, Rosemary, Newton, Trudi Tactics. TA concepts for all trainers, teachers and tutuors+insight into collaborative learning strategies
59 Pennebaker, James W. Opening Up: The Healing Power of Confiding in Others
60 Roberts, Denton L., Thronson, Frances Ann Able and Equal. A Gentle Path to Peace
61 Rogers, Carl R A Way of Being
62 Rosen, Sidney My Voice Will Go With You: The teaching tales of Milton H. Erickson
63 Rothschild, Babette The Body Remembers + casebook
64 Smith, Manuel J. When I Say No I Feel Guilty
65 Steiner, Claude Scripts People Live
66 Stewart, Ian, Joines Vann Personality Adaptations
67 Stewart, Ian, Joines Vann TA Today
68 Sunderland, Margot, Engleheart, P. Draw on Your Emotions
69 Tudor, Keith Transactional Analysis Approaches to Brief Therapy
70 Watzlawick, P., Weakland, J.H., Fish, R. - Palo Alto Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution
71 Weiss, Laurie& Jonathan Recovering from Co-Dependency
72 Whitfield, Charles L. A Gift to Myself. A Personal Workbook and Guide to Healing My Child Within
73 Woolams, Stan, Brown, Michael Transactional Analysis
74 Yalom, Irvin D. Love''s Executioner and other tales of psychotherapy
75 Anne Wuyts MQTA Quantum Transactional Analysis and Spirituality
76 Gottman, John Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child
77 Siegel, Daniel J. Parenting From the Inside-Out
78 Mahler, Margaret The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant
79 Day, Roger, Day Christine Therapeutic Adventure Games
80 Dryden, Windy Fundamentals of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
81 Day, Roger Body Awareness Games - Therapeutic Activities for Boys
82 Kaplan, Louise J Oneness and Separateness: From Infant to Individual
83 Christensen, T.C., Wood, J.V., Barrett, L.F. Remembering Everyday Experience Through The Prism of Self-Esteem
84 Layden, Mary Anne Cognitive Therapy of Borderline Personality Disorder
85 van Goozen, Stephanie H.M. Emotions: Essays on Emotion Theory
86 Plutchik, Robert Emotions in The Practice of Psychotherapy
87 UCLA Transitions: Turning Risks Into Opportunities For Student Support
88 Fagan, Joen, Lee Shepherd, Irma Life Techniques in Gestalt Therapy
89 Herman, Judith Trauma and Recovery
90 Perls, Fritz Gestalt Therapy Verbatim
91 Morgan, Barbara Intoarcerea acasa - un prim pas in lumea constelatiilor familiale
92 ITAA TA Bulletin Selected Articles from vol. 1 through 9
93 van Poelje, Sari, Steinert, Thomas TA in Organisations
94 Kahler, Taibi The Process Therapy Model
95 Riedesser, Peter, Fischer, Gottfried Tratat de psihotraumatologie
96 UNICEF, CPE Despre dezvoltarea abilitatilor emotionale si sociale ale copiilor mai mici de 7 ani
97 American Journal of Psychotherapy (rom) 02/01/08
98 Rusu, Claudia Introducere in Analiza Tranzactionala
99 UNICEF, CPE Managementul clasei - ghid pentru profesori si invatatori
100 Mitchell, Stephen A Hope and Dread in Psychoanalysis
101 Sherwood, Vance R., Cohen, Charles P. Psychotherapy of the quiet borderline patient
102 Fenichel, Otto The Psychoanalytic theory of neurosis
103 Goulding, Robert, Goulding, Mary McClure Changing Lives through redecision therapy
104 Tustin, Frances Autistic Barriers in neurotic patients
105 Horney, Karen Our Inner Conflicts
106 Eigen, Michael The electrified tightrope
107 Erikson, Eric H. A way of looking at things
108 Eigen, Michael Psychic Deadness
109 Laplanche, J., Pontalis, J.-B. The Language of psychoanalysis
110 Benjamin, Jessica Beyond doer and done to
111 Domenici, Thomas, Lesser, Ronnie C. Disorienting Sexuality
112 Ogden, Thomas The primitive edge of experience
113 Johnson, Stephen M. Characterological Transformation
114 Beemyn, Brett, Eliason, Mickey Queer Studies
115 Dean, Tim, Lane, Christopher Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis
116 Horowitz, Mardi J. Introduction to psychodynamics
117 Freud, Sigmund An outline of Psychoanalysis
118 Ogden, Thomas This Art of Psychoanalysis
119 Bollas, Christopher Forces of Destiny
120 Eigen, Michael The Psychotic Core
121 Bollas, Christopher Cracking Up
122 Shafer, Roy The analytic attitude
123 Bollas, Christopher The shadow of the object
124 Bucci, Wilma Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Science
125 Johnson, Stephen M. Characterological transformation, the hard work miracle
126 Herman, Judith Lewis Trauma and recovery
127 Edited by Pines, Malcom The Evolution of Group Analysis
128 Bucci, Wilma, edited by Cornell, William Emotional communication and therapeutic change: understanding psychotherapy through multiple code theory
129 Mitrani, Judith L. Ordinary people and extraordinary protections: a post-Kleinian approach to the treatment of primitive mental states
130 Edited by Perelberg, Rosine Josef Psychoanalytic understanding of violence and suicide
131 Edited by Pestalozzi, Julia, Frisch, Serge, Hinshelwood, R. D., Houzel, Didier Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Institutional Settings
132 Freud, Sigmund On murder, mourning and melancholia
133 Ferrari, Armando B. From the eclipse of the body to the dawn of the thought
134 Burston, Daniel The legacy of Erich Fromm
135 Barratt, Baraby B. The emergence of somatic psychology and bodymind therapy
136 Sklar, Jonathan BALINT MATTERS: psychosomatics and the art of assesment
137 Edited by Basseches, Harriet I., Ellman, Paula L., Goodman, Nancy R. Battling the life and death forces of sadomasochism: clinical perspectives
138 Groddeck, Georg The Meaning of Illness
139 Edited by Tschacher, Wolfgang, Bergomi, Claudia The Implications of Embodiement: cognition and communication
140 Mann, David Psychotherapy: an erotic relationship
141 Edited by Tsolas, Vaia, Anzieu-Premmereur, Christine A psychoanalytic exploration of the body in today's world: on the body
142 Wachtel, Paul L. Clinical psychodynamic and the contextual self
143 Rich, Adrienne Of woman born: motherhood as experience and institution
144 Newman, Alexander Non-compliance in Winnicott's words
145 Cornell, William F. Explorations in Transactional Analysis: the Meech Lake papers
146 Edited by McGinley, Eileen, Varchevker, Arturo Enduring loss: mourning, depression and narcissism through the Life Cycle
147 Edited by Samuels, Andrew The father: contemporary Jungian perspectives
148 Heilbrun, Carolyn G. Writing a woman's life
149 Glick, Robert A., Bone, Stanley Pleasure beyond the pleasure principle
150 Edited by Masterson, James F. The personality disorders through the lens of attachment theory and the neurobiologic development of self: a clinical integration
151 Edited by Lax, Ruth F. Essential papers on character neurosis and treatment