Autor |
Titlu |
1 |
Abrams, Jeremiah |
Reclaiming the Inner Child |
2 |
Babcock, Dorothy E., Keepers, Terry |
Raising Kids OK |
3 |
Bader, Ellen, Pearson, Peter T |
In Quest Of The Mythical Mate |
4 |
Barnes, Graham |
Justice, Love and Wisdom. Linking Psychotherapy to Second Order Cybernetics |
5 |
Barnes, Graham |
TA after Eric Berne. Teaching and Practice of Three TA Schools |
6 |
Barrow, Giles, Bradshaw, Emma, Newton, Trudi |
Improving Behaviour and Raising Self-Esteem in the Classroom |
7 |
Berne, Eric |
Beyond Games and Scripts |
8 |
Berne, Eric |
Sex in Human Loving |
9 |
Berne, Eric |
The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Groups |
10 |
Berne, Eric |
What Do You Say After You Say Hello? |
11 |
Bradshaw, John |
Bradshaw on: The Family - A New Way of Creating Solid Self-Esteem |
12 |
Briggs, Dorothy Corkille |
Celebrate Your Self: Enhancing Your Self-Esteem |
13 |
Brown, Stephanie |
Treating Adult Children of Alcoholics |
14 |
Capaccjione, Lucia |
Recovery of Your Inner Child |
15 |
Childs-Gowell, Elaine |
Reparenting Schizophrenics: The Cathexis Experience |
16 |
Clarke, Jean Illsley, Dawson, Connie |
Growing Up Again - Parenting Ourselves, Parenting our Children |
17 |
Clarkson, Petruska |
Gestalt Counselling in Action |
18 |
Clarkson, Petruska |
TA Psychotherapy. An integrated approach |
19 |
Drost, Joost, Bayley, Sydney |
Therapeutic Groupwork with Children |
20 |
Dryden,Windy, Feltham, Colin |
Psychotherapy and its discontents |
21 |
Erdman, Phyllis, Caffery, Tom |
Attachements and Family Systems |
22 |
Erikson, Erik |
Identity, Youth and Crisis |
23 |
Erskine, R.G., Moursund, J.P., Trautmann, R.L. |
Beyond Empathy. A Therapy of Contact-in-Relationship |
24 |
Evans, Kenneth, Gilbert, Maria C. |
An Introduction to Integrative Psychotherapy |
25 |
Gartner, Richard B. |
Betrayed As Boys. Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexuallt Abused Men |
26 |
Gilbert, Maria C., Evans, Kenneth |
Psychotherapy Supervision |
27 |
Gottlieb, Miriam M. |
The Angry Self. A Comprehensive Approach to Anger Management |
28 |
Goulding, Mary&Robert |
Changing lives through redecision therapy |
29 |
Goulding, Robert L, Goulding, Mary McClure |
The Power is in the Patient: A TA/Gestalt Approach to Psychotherapy |
30 |
Haley, Jay |
Uncommon Therapy: The Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H. Erickso |
31 |
Harris, Thomas A. |
I''m Ok - You''re Ok. A practical guide to TA |
32 |
Harris, Thomas A., Harris, Amy |
Staying OK |
33 |
Hay, Julie |
Reflective Practice and Supervision for Coaches |
34 |
Hay, Julie |
TA for Trainers |
35 |
Hendrix, Harville |
Getting the Love you Want. A guide for Couples |
36 |
Hendrix, Harville, Hunt, Helen LaKelly |
Imago Relationship Therapy. Perspectives on Theory |
37 |
Holmes, Jeremy |
In Search for the Secure Base. Attachement Theory and Psychotherapy |
38 |
James, Muriel |
Prespectives in TA |
39 |
James, Muriel |
The OK Boss |
40 |
Jenner, Sue |
The Parent/Baby Game |
41 |
Jongeward, Dorothy |
Everybody Wins: TA Applied to Organizations |
42 |
Jongeward, Dorothy |
TA on The Job |
43 |
Kaplan, Kalman J. |
TILT: Teaching Individuals to Live Together |
44 |
Kaplan, Kalman J., Schwarts, Matthew B. |
A Psychology of Hope: An Antidote to the Suicidal Pathology of Western Civilization |
45 |
Kirschenbaum, Howard |
The Carl Rogers Reader |
46 |
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth |
On Death and Dying |
47 |
Lapworth, Phil, Sills, Charlotte, Fish, Sue |
Integration in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Developing a personal approach |
48 |
Lister-Ford, Christine |
Transactional Analysis Counselling & Psychotherapy |
49 |
Luthman, Shirley Gehrke, Kirschenbaum, M. |
The Dynamic Family |
50 |
Mann, David |
Erotic Transference and Countertransference. Clinical practice in psychotherapy |
51 |
Maroda, Karen J. |
The Power of Counter-transference. Innovations in Analytic Technique |
52 |
Masterson, James F. |
A Therapist''s Guide to Personality Disorders: The Masterson Approach |
53 |
Mellor, Ken, Mellor, Elisabeth |
Parentcraft. A practical guide to raising children |
54 |
Mellor, Ken, Mellor, Elisabeth |
Teen Stages. How to guide the journey to adulthood |
55 |
Mitchell, Stephen A. |
Relationality - From Attachment to Intersubjectivity |
56 |
Mitchell, Stephen, Aron, Lewis |
Relational Psychoanalysis. The Emergence of a Tradition |
57 |
Moiso, Carlo, Novellino, Michelle |
Retour aux Sources. Analyse Transactionnelle |
58 |
Napper, Rosemary, Newton, Trudi |
Tactics. TA concepts for all trainers, teachers and tutuors+insight into collaborative learning strategies |
59 |
Pennebaker, James W. |
Opening Up: The Healing Power of Confiding in Others |
60 |
Roberts, Denton L., Thronson, Frances Ann |
Able and Equal. A Gentle Path to Peace |
61 |
Rogers, Carl R |
A Way of Being |
62 |
Rosen, Sidney |
My Voice Will Go With You: The teaching tales of Milton H. Erickson |
63 |
Rothschild, Babette |
The Body Remembers + casebook |
64 |
Smith, Manuel J. |
When I Say No I Feel Guilty |
65 |
Steiner, Claude |
Scripts People Live |
66 |
Stewart, Ian, Joines Vann |
Personality Adaptations |
67 |
Stewart, Ian, Joines Vann |
TA Today |
68 |
Sunderland, Margot, Engleheart, P. |
Draw on Your Emotions |
69 |
Tudor, Keith |
Transactional Analysis Approaches to Brief Therapy |
70 |
Watzlawick, P., Weakland, J.H., Fish, R. - Palo Alto |
Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution |
71 |
Weiss, Laurie& Jonathan |
Recovering from Co-Dependency |
72 |
Whitfield, Charles L. |
A Gift to Myself. A Personal Workbook and Guide to Healing My Child Within |
73 |
Woolams, Stan, Brown, Michael |
Transactional Analysis |
74 |
Yalom, Irvin D. |
Love''s Executioner and other tales of psychotherapy |
75 |
Anne Wuyts MQTA |
Quantum Transactional Analysis and Spirituality |
76 |
Gottman, John |
Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child |
77 |
Siegel, Daniel J. |
Parenting From the Inside-Out |
78 |
Mahler, Margaret |
The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant |
79 |
Day, Roger, Day Christine |
Therapeutic Adventure Games |
80 |
Dryden, Windy |
Fundamentals of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy |
81 |
Day, Roger |
Body Awareness Games - Therapeutic Activities for Boys |
82 |
Kaplan, Louise J |
Oneness and Separateness: From Infant to Individual |
83 |
Christensen, T.C., Wood, J.V., Barrett, L.F. |
Remembering Everyday Experience Through The Prism of Self-Esteem |
84 |
Layden, Mary Anne |
Cognitive Therapy of Borderline Personality Disorder |
85 |
van Goozen, Stephanie H.M. |
Emotions: Essays on Emotion Theory |
86 |
Plutchik, Robert |
Emotions in The Practice of Psychotherapy |
87 |
Transitions: Turning Risks Into Opportunities For Student Support |
88 |
Fagan, Joen, Lee Shepherd, Irma |
Life Techniques in Gestalt Therapy |
89 |
Herman, Judith |
Trauma and Recovery |
90 |
Perls, Fritz |
Gestalt Therapy Verbatim |
91 |
Morgan, Barbara |
Intoarcerea acasa - un prim pas in lumea constelatiilor familiale |
92 |
TA Bulletin Selected Articles from vol. 1 through 9 |
93 |
van Poelje, Sari, Steinert, Thomas |
TA in Organisations |
94 |
Kahler, Taibi |
The Process Therapy Model |
95 |
Riedesser, Peter, Fischer, Gottfried |
Tratat de psihotraumatologie |
96 |
Despre dezvoltarea abilitatilor emotionale si sociale ale copiilor mai mici de 7 ani |
97 |
American Journal of Psychotherapy (rom) |
02/01/08 |
98 |
Rusu, Claudia |
Introducere in Analiza Tranzactionala |
99 |
Managementul clasei - ghid pentru profesori si invatatori |
100 |
Mitchell, Stephen A |
Hope and Dread in Psychoanalysis |
101 |
Sherwood, Vance R., Cohen, Charles P. |
Psychotherapy of the quiet borderline patient |
102 |
Fenichel, Otto |
The Psychoanalytic theory of neurosis |
103 |
Goulding, Robert, Goulding, Mary McClure |
Changing Lives through redecision therapy |
104 |
Tustin, Frances |
Autistic Barriers in neurotic patients |
105 |
Horney, Karen |
Our Inner Conflicts |
106 |
Eigen, Michael |
The electrified tightrope |
107 |
Erikson, Eric H. |
A way of looking at things |
108 |
Eigen, Michael |
Psychic Deadness |
109 |
Laplanche, J., Pontalis, J.-B. |
The Language of psychoanalysis |
110 |
Benjamin, Jessica |
Beyond doer and done to |
111 |
Domenici, Thomas, Lesser, Ronnie C. |
Disorienting Sexuality |
112 |
Ogden, Thomas |
The primitive edge of experience |
113 |
Johnson, Stephen M. |
Characterological Transformation |
114 |
Beemyn, Brett, Eliason, Mickey |
Queer Studies |
115 |
Dean, Tim, Lane, Christopher |
Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis |
116 |
Horowitz, Mardi J. |
Introduction to psychodynamics |
117 |
Freud, Sigmund |
An outline of Psychoanalysis |
118 |
Ogden, Thomas |
This Art of Psychoanalysis |
119 |
Bollas, Christopher |
Forces of Destiny |
120 |
Eigen, Michael |
The Psychotic Core |
121 |
Bollas, Christopher |
Cracking Up |
122 |
Shafer, Roy |
The analytic attitude |
123 |
Bollas, Christopher |
The shadow of the object |
124 |
Bucci, Wilma |
Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Science |
125 |
Johnson, Stephen M. |
Characterological transformation, the hard work miracle |
126 |
Herman, Judith Lewis |
Trauma and recovery |
127 |
Edited by Pines, Malcom |
The Evolution of Group Analysis |
128 |
Bucci, Wilma, edited by Cornell, William |
Emotional communication and therapeutic change: understanding psychotherapy through multiple code theory |
129 |
Mitrani, Judith L. |
Ordinary people and extraordinary protections: a post-Kleinian approach to the treatment of primitive mental states |
130 |
Edited by Perelberg, Rosine Josef |
Psychoanalytic understanding of violence and suicide |
131 |
Edited by Pestalozzi, Julia, Frisch, Serge, Hinshelwood, R. D., Houzel, Didier |
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Institutional Settings |
132 |
Freud, Sigmund |
On murder, mourning and melancholia |
133 |
Ferrari, Armando B. |
From the eclipse of the body to the dawn of the thought |
134 |
Burston, Daniel |
The legacy of Erich Fromm |
135 |
Barratt, Baraby B. |
The emergence of somatic psychology and bodymind therapy |
136 |
Sklar, Jonathan |
BALINT MATTERS: psychosomatics and the art of assesment |
137 |
Edited by Basseches, Harriet I., Ellman, Paula L., Goodman, Nancy R. |
Battling the life and death forces of sadomasochism: clinical perspectives |
138 |
Groddeck, Georg |
The Meaning of Illness |
139 |
Edited by Tschacher, Wolfgang, Bergomi, Claudia |
The Implications of Embodiement: cognition and communication |
140 |
Mann, David |
Psychotherapy: an erotic relationship |
141 |
Edited by Tsolas, Vaia, Anzieu-Premmereur, Christine |
A psychoanalytic exploration of the body in today's world: on the body |
142 |
Wachtel, Paul L. |
Clinical psychodynamic and the contextual self |
143 |
Rich, Adrienne |
Of woman born: motherhood as experience and institution |
144 |
Newman, Alexander |
Non-compliance in Winnicott's words |
145 |
Cornell, William F. |
Explorations in Transactional Analysis: the Meech Lake papers |
146 |
Edited by McGinley, Eileen, Varchevker, Arturo |
Enduring loss: mourning, depression and narcissism through the Life Cycle |
147 |
Edited by Samuels, Andrew |
The father: contemporary Jungian perspectives |
148 |
Heilbrun, Carolyn G. |
Writing a woman's life |
149 |
Glick, Robert A., Bone, Stanley |
Pleasure beyond the pleasure principle |
150 |
Edited by Masterson, James F. |
The personality disorders through the lens of attachment theory and the neurobiologic development of self: a clinical integration |
151 |
Edited by Lax, Ruth F. |
Essential papers on character neurosis and treatment |